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20.06.2021 20:03Bogdan ZUGRAVU

FEAA organizează în colaborare cu ASECU Youth  10th ASECU Youth International Conference and Summer School "Build a sustainable future in SEECs and Black Sea Region", care se va desfășura online, în perioada 23-25 septembrie 2021.

Pentru informații suplimentare despre Școala de vară  :  

Facultatea organizeaza o selectie pentru participarea la acest eveniment.

Se pot înscrie studenți de la cursuri de zi, din ciclul de licență ( an 1 si 2), master(an 1)  sau doctorat (an 1 si 2).

Criterii de eligibilitate:

-  media de minim 8.00 (media aritmetică a semestrelor încheiate pentru studenții de la licență; media examenului de licență si semestrului 1 pentru studenții de la master)

- cunoștințe limba engleză nivel minim B1

Criterii de selecție :

- rezultatele academice și științifice (30%)

- evaluarea rezumatului lucrării 30%

- activități extra-curriculare (10%)


Dosarele vor conține un cv, rezumatul lucrării, avizat de cadrul didactic care își asumă îndrumarea studentului, o scrisoare de motivație, diplome/ atestate relevante pentru rezultatele științifice și extra-curriculare. Toate documentele vor fi redactate în limba engleză.

Dosarele de candidatura se vor trimite prin email la dna. Dorina Moisă, până pe 30 iunie 2020, ora 12.00.

Pentru informații suplimentare vă puteți adresa la dna. Dorina Moisă ( B407, tel 0232-201627, email:

14.06.2021 11:07Dorina MOISĂ

În perioada 22-25 noiembrie 2021, IUT Quimper, Franta, organizează Conferinţa Internaţională HUMINT 2021.

Tema conferintei este „Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace programme"

Facultatea noastră organizează o selecţie pentru 4 studenţi din anul I, II sau III, studii universitare de licenţă, de la toate specializările. Toate cheltuielile de participare (taxa de participare de 200E si cheltuielile de transport) sunt asigurate de către facultate.

Detalii privind aplicarea in anunturile atasate.

26.05.2021 9:10Dorina MOISĂ

​Detalii in fisierul atasat.

20.05.2021 13:42Dorina MOISĂ

ASECU Youth is co-organizing an online event with SDSN Youth Black Sea ( and is happy to invite young people aged from 18 to 30 to join session discussions as attendees.

🍃 UN Sustainable Development Solutions Youth Network - Black Sea (SDSN Youth Black Sea) is pleased to invite you to its online 3-day event: How much do You(th) know about Climate? 🍃

The 3-day online event 'How much do You(th) know about Climate?' is organized on the occasion of the International Mother Earth Day (22nd April), World Environment Day (5th June), and World Oceans Day (8th June).

Through the event, participants will:

✔️ understand how environmental issues are incorporated into the SDGs;

✔️ recognize the current situation, existing challenges, and possible pathways for action on various climate-related topics;

✔️ realize the role of young people in the promotion of climate action and the achievement of the related SDGs;

✔️ get connected with other young people and representatives of youth-led organizations;

✔️ comprehend the importance of holistic approaches, partnerships, and joint efforts.

Agenda of the event:

📍 Thursday, May 27th

17:00 - 18:00 EEST | Climate Change and Health

IVSA - International Veterinary Students' Association, Standing Committee on One Health

18:15 - 19:15 EEST | Environmental Migration

GEYC - Group of the European Youth for Change

19:30 - 20:30 EEST | Advocating for Climate Action in the Digital Era

AEGEE Europe, Climate Emergency Working Group

📍 Friday, May 28th

17:00 - 18:00 EEST | Ethical Guidelines: Zero Waste 101

Ethical Paths

18:15 - 19:15 EEST | Adaptive Circular Cities

IACES - International Association of Civil Engineering Students

19:30 - 20:30 EEST | Clean - Green energy

YES Europe - Young Leaders in Energy and Sustainability, YES-Europe Greece

📍 Saturday, May 29th

10:00 - 11:00 EEST | Zero Waste Universities


11:15 - 12:15 EEST | Climate Finance

ASECU Youth - Students' Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region

🟢 The age range is 18-30 years old. Priority will be given to people from the 12 countries of SDSN Black Sea (Albania🇦🇱, Armenia🇦🇲, Azerbaijan🇦🇿, Bulgaria🇧🇬, Georgia🇬🇪, Greece🇬🇷, Moldova🇲🇩, Romania🇷🇴, Russia🇷🇺, Serbia🇷🇸, Turkey🇹🇷, Ukraine🇺🇦); there will be an equal distribution of participants coming from the different countries.

🟢 You are free to apply for as many sessions as you wish. 

🟢 Dates: 27-29 May 2021

🟢 Format: The event will take place on Google Meets and is FREE to attend.

🟢 Language: The language of the event is ENGLISH.

🟢 Registration: 

Registrations are open until Sunday, 23 May, 2021, 23:59 EEST.

Registration link:

More info:


20.05.2021 13:34Dorina MOISĂ

The school is scheduled for September 6-17 (classes from Monday to Friday), entirely online, in real time - we provide full service on MS Teams.

As in the previous edition, there will be 5 financial courses (and a novelty: additionally, an eco-economy course will be provided, as we became a member of UN PRME). Each course lasts 12 academic hours and is carried out from Monday to Friday, for app. 2 hours a day (please find the agenda template attached). 

18.05.2021 14:50Dorina MOISĂ

We are happy to inform you that in cooperation with Liburnia Riviera Hotels we are organizing a Summer School "DESTINATION MARKETING, EXPERIENCES AND CREATIVE STORYTELLING".

The Summer School will take place from Sept 06, 2021 to Sept 18, 2021. As part of the summer school, the following programs will be conducted:

  1. Tourist Destination Marketing,
  2. Francais Gastronomique,
  3. Natural Attractions in Tourism,
  4. Sport Management in Tourism,
  5. Croatia as a Tourist Destination.

We would be very thankful if you would forward this information to your students, professors and other partners and universities.


22.04.2021 10:58Dorina MOISĂ

​In atentia studentilor interesati

The event Talent Forum for University Students, that we will run virtually on May 7th.

The main goal of this event is to inform university students, from all over Europe, about the main trends in Finance and connect them with key financial institutions in Luxembourg. This might facilitate finding an internship or even a job. 

 It's free to participate. 

Information and registration:


02.04.2021 12:33Bogdan ZUGRAVU

Agentia de Credite si Burse de Studii ( ofera burse pentru persoanele care, in anul urmator, doresc sa faca un stagiu de studii sau de cercetare in strainatate. Am atasat ofertele pentru care sunt organizate concursuri in acest moment, avand ca termen limita de transmitere on-line a candidaturilor:

05 aprilie: MBA Coreea, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan

14 aprilie: Slovacia NSP

15 aprilie Slovacia SAS

29 aprilie: Bulgaria, Polonia

30 iunie: Iordania

Bursele se adreseaza si studentilor, masteranzilor, doctoranzilor,  si se pot acorda pentru stagii precum:

-cursuri de vara,

- studii (de licenta, masterat sau doctorat) partiale (3-10 luni) sau  complete (includ si an pregatitor pentru invatarea limbii),

- cercetare sau specializare.

    Prin bursa se poate asigura:

- de partea primitoare - scolarizare, de obicei cazare si masa, uneori asigurare medicala;

- de partea romana, pentru stagiile mai mari de 3 luni, transportul international si un supliment lunar in valuta.

    Dosarele de candidatura se pot transmite electronic, pe adresa

    Persoanele interesate pot contacta reprezentantii agentiei la adresa sau la telefon 0213101905.

25.03.2021 9:58Dorina MOISĂ

În perioada 3  – 7 mai 2021, Universitatea din Viena (University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna) organizează o International Week in Resurse Umane (Digitalization & Inclusion @ the workplace)  ce se va desfasura exclusiv online.

Facultatea noastră organizează o selecţie pentru 5 studenţi din anul I, anul II sau anul III de studii universitare de licenţă, de la toate specializările. Pentru mai multe detalii vă rugăm să consultati fișierele atașate.

Studenţii interesaţi vor depune în perioada 26 martie – 2 aprilie 2021 online (la adresa un dosar care să cuprindă:

  1. CV in limba engleza;
  2. Scrisoare de motivaţie semnată in limba engleza. 
25.03.2021 9:57Dorina MOISĂ

​Detalii in fisierele atasate si mai jos.

VIKO Faculty of Economics invites your students to join to annual International Student Scientific-Practical Conference „Economics. Business. Management – 2021" 

  • Conference date: 22 April 2021, taking place online via Microsoft Teams. 
  • Registration: till 12 April 2021. 
  • The deadline for submitting the full paper is 12 April 2021 by e-mail 
  • More information, as well as the registration form and the requirements for the articles can be found online at  
04.03.2021 12:19Dorina MOISĂ

​Universitatea din Bialystok, Polonia, invita studentii FEAA sa participe la conferinta The Socio-economic Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Review in data de 29 martie 2021. Formularul de inregistrare si alte detalii - in fisierul atasat.

04.03.2021 12:09Dorina MOISĂ

Dear partners

Before covid-19 came into our lives, we organised international study trips for our students. This is of course not possible nowadays. 

As we want our students to become global citizens with a 100% mobile mind, we are organising various activities online such as Conversation Rooms,  an International Quiz, a panel with alumni working abroad and many guest speakers who talk about global citizenship, diversity and inclusiveness, to mention a few topics. 

  For our International Student Conversation Rooms we are looking for business students from all over the world who would like to chat with our Belgian students.  

That is why we invite your students. They will get insights into Belgian life and culture, and our students will get insights into your students' life and culture. Above this, your students will also be able to meet other international students as the aim is to make up groups of 3 to 4 nationalities . 

  Students will meet in a safe environment (tool used: MS Teams), connecting in an informal way with students from partner universities, for 60 minutes. Ice breakers will be offered to make the first steps easier. The common language is English.   

The International Student Conversation Rooms will be held on Tuesday, March 30, and Wednesday, March 31

  The enclosed flyer can be distributed among your students. 

04.03.2021 12:03Dorina MOISĂ

Oportunitate participare Scoala de Vara University of Wurzburg - oferta de burse  - detalii mai jos si in attach

The Faculty of Business Management and Economics of the University of Würzburg is in the course of organizing two digital summer schools this July (18-26 July) and we just decided to offer both of them online:

Since the whole year of the pandemic has been so difficult for all universities around the world, especially in terms of international mobilities, we decided to address well-ranked universites to ask very good students from the fields of business management, economics or information systems, if they would like to attend one of our summer schools and get a scholarship from us. The modules are designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in international economics, international management or information systems. Prerequisite is good command of English. We would like to offer these students full scholarships so that the attendance in our summer programmes would be free. After having completed the summer school they will receive from our university (Bavarian high school insitution) a certificate of attendance and a graded Transcript (5 ECTS points) in the field they have chosen. The costs will be fully covered by us.

 This proposal is an exclusive offer financially supported by the Bavarian state solely in the summer semester 2021. The earlier the students apply, the better their chances are to be granted a scholarship.  Here the link to our application platform:

Application deadline: March 31, 2021

19.01.2021 14:53Dorina MOISĂ

​Detalii in fisierele atasate.

19.01.2021 14:50Dorina MOISĂ

​Detalii in fisierul atasat.

19.01.2021 14:49Dorina MOISĂ

Agenţia de Credite şi Burse de Studii anunţă lansarea concursului naţional pentru acordarea burselor de studii sau cercetare în Turcia. In atasament aveti Comunicatul de presa si informatii cu privire la aceasta oferta.

Pentru informaţii:


Adresa: Str. Caransebeş nr. 1, etaj 7, sector 1, Bucureşti (sediul A.C.B.S.)

Telefon: 021/310.19.05

Fax: 021/310.22.17

Detalii in fisierele atasate.